And now the most important page for you. Our rates.Because we buy at the dealer auto auctions we will always get the best price for your dream car. You will save 15 to 20 % to the dealer price and you will not have sales tax and a dealer fee on top. The listing price on the internet or at the dealer lot is always without sales tax and will be added to the sales price. Many dealers will charge also a dealer fee of a couple hundred dollars. Of course you can also handle all your self and we just take care of shipping and or EU registration. Just let us know.

All inclusive
Your let us know what car are you looking for. We need to know how much you like to spend, color, extras, ect.We will locate your car, take care of paperwork, shipping to us or directly to the port, shipping in Germany, EU papers,......
Have a look into our Online Calculation for more information.
locate your dream car, filing all necessary papers. buying without sales tax. |
US $ 750,00 |
shipping from anywhere of central Florida to the port | US $ 300,00 |
other costs | see Online calculation |
The overseas shipping rate, customs filing, and other costs you will find in our online calculation.
Filing for EU papers and TueV inspection depends of year, model and type of car. Please contact our Partner in Germany with your full VIN number for a detailed quote.
Shipping only
The shipping rate within central Florida to the port isUS$ 300 per car
Central Florida = from Gainesville south
Storing or direct delivery at our warehouse in Ft. Myers is possible without any extra fee.